
Posted by Cristina on Feb 20, 2008 in All Articles, Journal


Farewell and goodbye

As you can imagine, the past days have been some of the most stressful and emotional ones for me, and my last week at ABB has been challenging.

And I’m sure that you’re all asking why I am leaving, especially as ABB has reported record results. This is all due to irreconcilable differences, which I do not wish to go in to. What you should know is that I leave behind a great team. Not just the Executive Committee, but all 112,000 members of the ABB family, and I will really miss working with such a passionate, energetic team.

Being chosen to lead ABB three and a half years ago was a dream come true. As you all know, I am an engineer by training, and joining such a well-respected company, was truly awesome. Succeeding Juergen Dormann, a man with a huge reputation, meant there were formidable expectations on me. After all, he had helped to make ABB great again.

I was trusted with the company, to take it forward. The results we have announced this week are proof that we really have moved on. But I have not done it alone. Far from it. Your passion, your dedication, your skill and hard work have all contributed to making ABB what it is today, and you have certainly made my job as CEO easier.

I would also like to thank and acknowledge my EC colleagues, past and present. Together we have been through the best of times and also the worst of times, and I know that you will all support and work with Michel Demaré and the EC

When I first started, I shared my thoughts on leadership with the Group Executive team. I’d like to share them with everyone again, and even though I am moving on, I’d like to think that they have left a mark on our culture.

Our integrity and business ethics must be impeccable.
Working hard is not enough. We need to generate success.
Act as if you owned the company. Set the standards and decide accordingly.
Shape the future. In case of doubt, favor the longer term.
Maintain a “healthy dissatisfaction” with the status quo.
Without a team supporting you, you don’t get anywhere.
Be able to think like the CEO. What is best for ABB?
Don’t play politics. Be candid.
Have some fun but keep your vanity in check.
When I look back on my time here, I think we have achieved so much. And it’s not just in our operational and financial performance, where we have surpassed everyone’s expectations. What will really stay in my mind are the experiences I have had, and the many people I have met and worked with.

This is an exciting company. In fact, it is a great company. We have a unique global culture, a modern dynamic environment, and despite what has happened in the past few days, I find the culture open and straightforward. Wherever I have been in the ABB world, whatever I have been working on, I have found trust and cooperation, and a willingness to share. As a CEO, I could not have asked for more.

I have had the pleasure and privilege of leading a fantastic company. In my final moments at ABB, I’d like to thank all 112,000 employees, all over the world, for making my time as CEO one that I will never, ever, forget.

I am so proud of you and all that we have achieved, and I wish you all success for your futures. May you have as much joy and fulfilment in your lives as I have had at ABB.

Thank you, and goodbye.








1. 在诚信和商业道德上,我们必须做到无可挑剔。
2. 努力工作是不够的,我们需要的是创造成功。
3. 要把自己当作公司的主人翁。建立标准,并按照标准作出决定。
4. 塑造未来。如有疑虑,则要选择以长远利益为重。
5. 对现状持有“健康的不满足心态”。
6. 如果没有团队的支持,你就无法取得任何辉煌的成就。
7. 站在CEO的高度思考问题。多问问自己什么样最符合ABB的利益?
8. 不要玩弄权术。要坦诚。
9. 要享受工作带给我们的成绩,同时不要自我膨胀。









他说:“谢谢你温暖的祝福。最近三年半在ABB的生涯带给了我事业上极大的成就感,我们创建了一支强有力的统一的队伍,带领公司迈向更高的台阶。你和我都有数不尽的理由为我们已经取得的如此多的成就而感到骄傲。生活将会继续,ABB也必将迎接更多辉煌。我坚信你在过去和未来都会像我一样为公司奉献你的激情。非常感谢你为这家世界最好的工程公司作出的大力支持。 ”(哎,翻译水平还是太差了。。。)



真的祝福Fred Kindle一生好运。

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